Friday, August 15, 2008

Democratic Platform is Bad for Men

Glenn Sacks and Mike McCormick: DNC Platform: Bad News for Dads:

If the Democratic Party is interested in garnering men’s votes, one certainly would not know it from their platform. The Democratic National Committee’s "Renewing America's Promise" is bad news for American fathers.

The platform’s "Fatherhood" plank puts all blame for father absence squarely on men, and promises to "crack down" on fathers who are behind on their child support. It also promises to ratchet up draconian domestic violence laws which often victimize innocent men and separate them from their children....

Fathers’ ties to their children are more tenuous than at any time in American history. Child support and domestic violence policies have helped drive a wedge between fathers and their children. Sadly, the Democratic Party has committed itself to policies which will make the problem worse.

No self-respecting man should support this platform and any woman who gives a hoot about civil liberties should be wary of laws that lead to arrests of citizens just because of their sex. These draconian laws deprive men of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Is this really the message the Democratic Party wants to send?


Blogger TMink said...

I have often wondered how a self-respecting man who is anatomically complete (i.e. has balls and a backbone) puts up with that View Watching, man hating bs.

Anybody want to explain it to me?


12:15 PM, August 15, 2008  
Blogger Helen said...


He's trying to get laid?

12:16 PM, August 15, 2008  
Blogger wolfboy69 said...

Either that or he is a completely brainwashed graduate of our current educational system that says he has to be for women's issues, but has to ignore anything for men.

Helen, couldn't have said it better myself. LOL!!!!

1:18 PM, August 15, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Any man who complains will be branded "anti-woman". It is not clear how any male Democrat voter avoids this intellectual double-bind.

1:47 PM, August 15, 2008  
Blogger lovemelikeareptile said...

Just smart politics on the part of the Democrats .

Political parties need votes, obviously, to attain/retain power.

So you go to where the votes are-- and women are a huge special interest group, a vast reservoir of votes-- if you can enlist them. SO you promise them goodies ( " women's issues" ) and special privileges... and watch the votes pour in !

It is staggering how many millions more women than men are voting... perhaps someone will find the stats... but women must be catered to or a party is insane.
Republicans just have little to offer per "identity politics".. and will continue to lose the female vote.

Ann Coulter often remarks that the vote should be taken away from women because
1. Women primarily vote their immediate self-interest "as women"-- government subsidies/support
2. Thus the size of government qua nanny state increases, as women vote themselves more services, create more departments to serve them, create more laws to "protect them", fund more bureaucracies to implement such legislation etc ad infinitum

Men do not see politics in the gender-specific terms most women do. Many women see politics as a way to meet women and girl's needs, to fund services for women and girls... hence " women's issues", when no one addresses " men's issues", because men never think of themselves as a special interest group. They could, but they don't.

The Dems are counting the votes-- and that means pandering to the narrow self-interest of women.. and women will lap it up.. and vote Democratic... One can hardly blame the Derms for pursuing this strategy.

1:57 PM, August 15, 2008  
Blogger Rustmeister said...

These draconian laws deprive men of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Is this really the message the Democratic Party wants to send?

Um, yes.

Maybe not in so many words, but between this and their gun platform, they most definitely want to curtail all three.

3:15 PM, August 15, 2008  
Blogger Allen said...

That's the ticket, and then soon to follow the headline "New research shows a sharp decline in men's willingness to commit to a relationship."

Which of course has to be dealt with by more legislation such as, A Woman's Right To Marry Act. Wherein a woman's rights are actually being violated by a man who won't commit.

Farfetched? My bet is it's not.

3:42 PM, August 15, 2008  
Blogger BobH said...

The really scary part of the Democratic platform is that they believe that it will sell to a significant percentage of women. Which means that there are a LOT of women out there who think that they are saints and men are scum, regardless of the realities of the situations. This means that a man's probability of meeting one of them is pretty good. The only question is: how good is the woman at managing her reputation and how much time and resources should the man invest in determing her true character?

4:02 PM, August 15, 2008  
Blogger DADvocate said...

Whether it's this issue or almost any other, the Democratic solution is totalitarianism. More government control over every aspect of your life with fewer ways for you to fight back or protect yourself from government abuse and intrusion.

4:32 PM, August 15, 2008  
Blogger Brad said...

I could see that working, especially if it were combined with the "positive rights" stuff.

A guy gets laid once, the woman sues for here positive right to commitment, she gets half his income for life, and he picks up the tab for any children she has, no matter who the father is. Finally, social justice!

5:18 PM, August 15, 2008  
Blogger Factory said...

I wonder what would happen if the Republicans came out solidly on the side of men....would their vote count increase enough to make it worthwhile?

5:21 PM, August 15, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A Woman's Right To Marry Act. Wherein a woman's rights are actually being violated by a man who won't commit.

Farfetched? My bet is it's not.

Already here. It's called "palimony".

5:43 PM, August 15, 2008  
Blogger Trust said...

@Helen: "Is this really the message the Democratic Party wants to send?"

If it gets them votes and more power to move us toward a socialist country, Yes. But they won't admit it.

Obama? No, keep the change.

6:33 PM, August 15, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, Dean blew it today. He basically let the cat out of the bag on national television alluding to the democrat party being the party of women and people of color, and the republican party being the white (er, excuse me) party. Considering where Putin appears to be leading Russia at this point in time, I shudder to think where Obama will take this country. The contiguous 48 will be all we have left of our sovereignty in no time. We'll be on our knees. The only men's underwear on the planet with a fly will be Russian made, Russian worn.

Pretty interesting post there, love me like a reptile.

9:10 PM, August 15, 2008  
Blogger Whiskey said...

This is a good play for single women. Without sons.

If you have a son, your self-interest reproductively is for your son's advantage. If you are married, your husband's interests and income form the family pot, so you won't want to sacrifice his interests/incomes to benefit other women you don't know.

That is the only reason that the Republicans have not been rolled over, and explains the Democratic preference for single motherhood.

Women of course who are unmarried, often delude themselves on the nature of their son's chances with women. Among other things, these sorts of laws advantage "playas" and short-term guys, to the detriment of the less-well-status laden men. Which is most men from single mothers.

Hard to be a playa if you don't have cash, cars, and lots of status growing up.

10:55 PM, August 15, 2008  
Blogger Cappy said...

Yep, the Dems mean every word of it too. And it won't be enforced by their big shots, in public. They'll leave it to flunky apparat-chicks, and sleazy judges, like Cuyhaohga County, Ohio's Christine McMonagle.

9:29 AM, August 16, 2008  
Blogger The Hilltop View of Morris County said...

With marriage rates continuing to
drop, this could be a reason why.
Between all of the free stuff, and
being sued for sneezing why should any man commit to marriage?
Might also be why homosexuality is on the rise too.
Who needs men any
way,when you can clone?

9:56 AM, August 16, 2008  
Blogger jeff said...

Interesting - the Democrats want to support what women overtly state is one of the more disgusting aspects of their sex - the girl dependent on (or hunting for) her sugar daddy.

And under the Democrats, government would be the ultimate in sugar daddies (if it isn't already).

9:58 AM, August 16, 2008  
Blogger Chuck Pelto said...

TO: randian...
RE: Avoidance?

"Any man who complains will be branded "anti-woman". It is not clear how any male Democrat voter avoids this intellectual double-bind." -- randian

The same way you avoid the allegation that you're a 'racist' if you question The Big O....

....laugh in their face for the ignorant misandryists they are.

After all, you've got more solid evidence of their hatred of men than they have of your hatred of women.

Hit them with their own plank.


[Woman: The unfair sex. -- Ambrose Bierce, The Devil's Dictionary; written in the 19th Century]

10:03 AM, August 16, 2008  
Blogger JimMtnViewCa said...

The wording on "equal pay" for women and that whole section is pretty suspect too. I don't see any reference to "equal pay for equal work" so I'm concerned that they will be trying to equate plumbers with secretaries and mandate pay scales based on a gov't evaluation of "similar" jobs...

10:04 AM, August 16, 2008  
Blogger Chuck Pelto said...

TO: LoveMeLikeAReptile
RE: Ann On Women Sufferage

"Ann Coulter often remarks that the vote should be taken away from women because
1. Women primarily vote their immediate self-interest "as women"-- government subsidies/support
2. Thus the size of government qua nanny state increases, as women vote themselves more services, create more departments to serve them, create more laws to "protect them", fund more bureaucracies to implement such legislation etc ad infinitum" -- LoveMeLikeAReptile

Let's not forget that women on juries have 'issues' too.

Case in point the two young men who murdered their parents for their money.

The first trial was a hung jury because two women didn't think such attractive young men could do such a thing. This despite all the blatant evidence that they had.



10:14 AM, August 16, 2008  
Blogger Chuck Pelto said...

P.S. And remember....

...women gave us Bill Clinton, an obvious womanizer, which they're supposed to be opposed too.

10:16 AM, August 16, 2008  
Blogger Greg Toombs said...

BobH -The only question is: ... how much time and resources should the man invest in determining her true character?

Either a lifetime's worth, or 5 minutes. Depending.

10:23 AM, August 16, 2008  
Blogger Chuck Pelto said...

TO: Whiskey
RE: Additionally....

"That is the only reason that the Republicans have not been rolled over, and explains the Democratic preference for single motherhood." -- Whiskey supports their plans for people relying more and more on the government dole. This enhances their voter base by moving more people into their new form of slavery.


P.S. Remember, it was the Democrats who wanted to retain slavery in the 19th Century. It was the Republicans that ended that slavery.

Leopards and spots, folks. Leopards and spots.....

10:29 AM, August 16, 2008  
Blogger Chuck Pelto said...

P.P.S. This reminds me of de Tocquville's warning...

The American Republic will endure until the politicians realize that the people can be bribed with their own money.

10:34 AM, August 16, 2008  
Blogger M. Simon said...

These draconian laws deprive men of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Is this really the message the Democratic Party wants to send?


10:55 AM, August 16, 2008  
Blogger M. Simon said...

Russia has a serious problem re: women.

It is either exporting them (brides) or renting them out by the hour.

11:01 AM, August 16, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"... or renting them out by the hour."


And the American system of long-term leases with a surprise balloon payment at the end for the woman is better for men?

11:13 AM, August 16, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess it could get worse but it's pretty bad already.

In addition to the "palimony" already mentioned, fifteen years ago I had a female neighbor (who's moved away, thankfully) who supported herself with sexual harassment lawsuits.

Of course, part of the problem is the stupid Edwardsian-little-headed men who fall for predatory women.

The aforementioned neighbor was pulled over by a cop for speeding, sweet talked him into a date, then charged him with sexual harassment...and won.

The cop was an idiot to fall for this.

11:16 AM, August 16, 2008  
Blogger Unknown said...

Where this is finally going to come off the rails is when they figure out that the policies that hurt white males hurt black males even more. The almost complete lack of black marriages, and the 2:1 ratio of black females to males in college indicates a catastrophe that's largely of the Democrats' making.

The net result doesn't help black females, it just hurts black males. This is a lose/lose proposition.

11:19 AM, August 16, 2008  
Blogger Anil Petra said...


Women's Right to Marry Act?

Don't laugh. The concept is Common Law Marriage, and it certainly could come back.

11:20 AM, August 16, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Read this about the Democrat platform:

"The platform language calls for more government programs, income assistance ... access to and availability of programs for pre- and post-natal health care, parenting skills, income support..."

So at the same time they are denying fathers their reproductive choice and forcing them to pay for children they didn't want, they are encouraging unwed pregnancy with all manner of "free" government giveaways and assistance.

11:33 AM, August 16, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Common Law Marriage still exists in TN. Seven years, and you're married.

11:39 AM, August 16, 2008  
Blogger jmod46 said...

This is further refinement of the feminization of society. While women have many fine virtues, it is not in society's interest to tilt the playing field so far in the direction of assuming women are always victims and men always at fault. The women I know are strong and capable as individuals, as well as loving and respectful of the men in their lives. I count myself as fortunate.

11:56 AM, August 16, 2008  
Blogger al fin said...

Identity politics by the Democrats almost came unraveled in the Hillary vs. Obama mega-primary. Black privilege vs. female privilege? Since black females will usually defect to the black privilege side, you can guess the winner.

At least black females still care a little bit about their men.

12:00 PM, August 16, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


You're kidding right, Dr. Helen?

Look ... women can murder men in this country and suffer virtually no consequences for that act. See the case of Mary Winkler, who murdered her husband while he slept by shooting him with a shotgun in the back.

She received no jail time, 3 years of probation, and was just recently given full custody of her children from the slain man's parents.

So, if you think Dr Helen, that men are worried about what the Democrats have in store for us, we aren't. We are so past any of that it's not even funny.

On the other hand, we're not taking it lying down. We're designing our need for women out of our lives. Frankly, the deal the sexes used to have was already weighted toward the woman and now the deal is so bad, no self-respecting man wants anything to do with it.

We will not marry you.

We are choosing not to have children with you.

We invented pre-nups.

Why do you think we're spending billions working feverishly on robots?

As soon as scientists complete the design of a working vagina that doesn't monologue - I'm afraid we just won't have any further need for you women.

12:28 PM, August 16, 2008  
Blogger Chuck Pelto said...

TO: br549, et al.
RE: Common Law Marriage in Colorado

"Common Law Marriage still exists in TN. Seven years, and you're married." -- br549

As I understand it, the seven-year rule applies, but we also have putting yourself forward as 'married'. That could include registering in a motel as man and wife.


[Can you say 'entrapment'?]

12:31 PM, August 16, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting - the Democrats want to support what women overtly state is one of the more disgusting aspects of their sex - the girl dependent on (or hunting for) her sugar daddy

Well, no. Feminists don't object to taking from men, they object to that taking being conditioned on marrying them. That's why palimony was invented, why child support was divorced from its historical requirement that you must first marry in order to demand support, why child support is based on income and not need, and why they support so many government programs (AFDC, WIC, Section 8) that in effect transfer income from men to women.

12:31 PM, August 16, 2008  
Blogger Peter Blogdanovich said...

If the GOP was clever (which they're not), they'd do a repeat of the IRS congressional inquiry they did a few years ago. Only this time they parade a bunch of guy's who were rode hard and put away wet by the "Family Justice" system. "...and then they took my house and my kids and all my money, and then she said I was a child molester, and there was a trial, and I lost my job...anyway, to answer your question senator, I'm now living under a bridge down by I95."
Study Watergate for lessons on how it's done.
Love the comments. Hilarious.

12:34 PM, August 16, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Frankly, the deal the sexes used to have was already weighted toward the woman and now the deal is so bad, no self-respecting man wants anything to do with it."


Unfortunately, a WHOLE LOT of men are going to marry their "one-and-only" or "soul mate" this year and the next and the next ...

... because a whole lot of men are easily manipulated saps who think their highest calling is to keep a bossy housewife in luxury.

And life goes on. Sometimes a divorce is truly a good thing, because the ongoing drip-drip-drip of her nagging can be even worse than the one-time damage she can cause in a divorce. I'd rather have an end with terror than terror without end.

12:40 PM, August 16, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Common Law Marriage still exists in TN. Seven years, and you're married."


As I understand it, Tennessee has some bizarre thing called "estoppel to deny marriage" which technically doesn't count as a common law marriage (so Tennessee isn't on lists of states that still have common law marriage, but it has something close to it).

I'm just too lazy to research it.

12:46 PM, August 16, 2008  
Blogger Kev said...

Republicans just have little to offer per "identity politics"

Some of us consider that a feature, not a bug.

.. and will continue to lose the female vote.

Except for those women who see right through the BS they're being fed. (They're still out there, right?)

12:52 PM, August 16, 2008  
Blogger Tucanae Services said...

To: Greg Toombs

Old chestnut --

[Man opening door for woman...]
[Woman] You don't have to open the door for me because I am a lady.
[Man] Madam, I open the door because I am a Gentleman of character, not because you are a woman. That you are a Lady has not yet been determined.

12:59 PM, August 16, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Although I will not live to see it, it will be most interesting when all police are female, all corporate heads are female,heads of state, soldiers, sailors, plumbers, lumberjacks.......

By trying to escape from all responsibility and blame, they are forcing all of it on themselves in time. I'd love to sit home all day and watch New Yankee Workshop, by the way. Works for me.

Should a physical revolt occur somewhere down the line, the "average guy" could pretty easily take on - and take out - three "average women" in hand to hand. And then move on to the next. Especially if it was a no holds barred kill or be killed street fight.

I'm just adding ridiculous on top of what I see as ridiculous.

I was talking to a fella yesterday in the hospital parking lot, who was wearing an Obama baseball cap.
We laughed about a lot of things. Except women. He brought it up by the way. The way he made it sound, is it is going to be men of all colors against women of all colors, eventually.

What could possibly prevent it? Men who love their daughters. It gets us every time.

1:36 PM, August 16, 2008  
Blogger Helen said...


You have obviously never read this blog. See:

or here:

1:47 PM, August 16, 2008  
Blogger Tscottme said...

I think one important factor in political issues being so pro-woman/anti-male is the one-sided media environment on these issues.

There is zero chance the MSM are going to entertain the thought there might be more than one side to any issue remotely connected to child-support. These pro-woman/anti-man issues are only going to be a topic on right-wing radio from time to time. You have to hear a different point of view several times before it even has a chance to break through the resistance most people would have to seeing things from "dead beat dad" point of view. If someone started defending a racist people quickly tune out the argument just because the target of that defense is so odious.

Getting the human side of the pro-woman/anti-man topics into general discussion requires lots of time and calm exchange. Any topic requiring that is all but forbidden from MSM coverage. They need lots of conflict with simple villains and victims. Did I mention the obsequious nature of MSM men toward any one claiming victim status against powerful white men?

6:33 PM, August 16, 2008  
Blogger Lex897 said...

I've been waiting for the Supreme Court to do its job and curtail these outrageous onslaughts on my civil liberties . . . to no avail. I've lived 45 years under the yoke of guilt for nothing I've done. I'm through with it.

Anybody willing to join me and cede from the union? Seriously!

We could certainly count on most of the US male population and quite of few women. Any disparities can be made up for by having an open-door policy for East European women to enter the new country. Appears they've been left holding the bag just like American men. Both grew up wanting and expecting families and more traditional marriages but were essentially abandoned by their prospective mates. The American male felled by the White-Man-Is-Evil propaganda, (with black men coming off not much better), and East European women without prospective mates due to the collapse of the Soviet Union and the resulting wholesale pathos of the East European man.

We are two people, both abandoned or held in contempt by our prospective mates.

I say give the Left what it wants. No white males to "abuse" them any longer, no more conservative males to keep them from self-destructive socialism, from letting convicts roam the streets, and from all the multi-culti, anti-western, science-suspiciousness, and anti-enlightenmentism they can stomach.

I'm through with trying to convince others of my point of view. Let them hang themselves.

Who's with me!

7:01 PM, August 16, 2008  
Blogger luckyyou said...

"puts all blame for father absence squarely on men, and promises to "crack down" on fathers who are behind on their child support. It also promises to ratchet up draconian domestic violence laws which often victimize innocent men and separate them from their children...."

Yes, the Republican party should come out in favor of telling people it's not the man's fault if he abandons his children, in favor of men not paying their child support, and in favor of domestic violence. Please, please do that.

9:21 PM, August 16, 2008  
Blogger Ninderthana said...

One day when men are free!

If you're male and....

You can expect live as long as a woman, thank a masculist.

You aren't expected to provide most of the family income,
thank a masculist.

You can actually participate fully in the parenting of
your children and not have your wife dictate your level
of involvement, thank a masculist.

You can turn down a second job, and not feel that your
letting your family down, thank a masculist.

You can control your own fertility so that you can
determine when and if you want to raise a child,
thank a masculist.

You had a man as your primary care-giver in the first
five years of your life, thank a masculist.

You can expect women to fight and die for their country,
thank a masculist.

You can expect the government to care about your vote
as much as they care about a woman's vote,
thank a masculist.

You do not have to compete against a woman who is
sleeping with the boss to get a promotion,
thank a masculist.

You get accused of rape and you are not presumed
guilty until proven innocent, thank a masculist.

You hear a noise in the night and your wife gets
up to investigate, thank a masculist.

You are no longer twice as likely as a women to
be sent to prison for the same crime, thank a masculist.

You get joint-custody of your children following
divorce and separation, thank a masculist.

You wife beats you and it is illegal and the police
stop her, instead of arresting you and blaming you
for her violence, thank a masculist.

You buy a car and you are not charged higher accident
insurance simply because you are a man, thank a masculist.

You are on trial and your presumption of innocence
is given the same weight as that of a woman, thank
a masculist.

Your health and well being is regarded by the community
as being equally important as that of a woman,
thank a masculist.

You are a victim of violent crime, and people show
you the same concern and compassion as they do to
female victims of violent crime, thank a masculist.

Isn't it amazing what you see when you stop seeing the world through your mother's eyes.

Ian Wilson

10:32 PM, August 16, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm still snickering and shaking my head (at the same time) over jg's balloon payment analogy.

I've had nothing more than short, controlled, pointed conversations with women in a dozen years. Outside of blood relations, there is only one I have opened up to at all in that same time frame.

All I have missed is rolling in the hay with "the reckless abandon". Every time I think it through, it only takes seconds to realize that's not enough.

8:33 AM, August 17, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, I mean not enough reason to go through all the trouble of maintaining a relationship.

12:10 PM, August 17, 2008  
Blogger Trust said...

The Pledge of Allegiance (classic version):

"One nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

The Pledge of Allegiance (modern, democratic party version):

"Two Americas, under the UN, with pandering and excuses for women."

12:21 PM, August 17, 2008  
Blogger Art Deco said...

Yes, the Republican party should come out in favor of telling people it's not the man's fault if he abandons his children, in favor of men not paying their child support, and in favor of domestic violence. Please, please do that.

Luckyou, there are some bitter men who participate here, but in my reading it would take some effort to find even one who advocated domestic violence, abandonment of children by fathers, or withholding child support for any reason other than as a wedge to attempt to induce compliance with visitation agreements.

What the moderator and her votaries are opposed to is the generation of public policy on the basis of sociological fictions. There are many reasons men may be alienated from their legitimate children, but the modal reason is expressive divorce initiated by wives and mothers. (The situation with illegitimate children is murkier). There may be many reasons men are in arrears on their child support; economic exigency is one. There may be a number of reasons a man hits his wife; that she hits him is one. Understanding and acknowledgement of social reality is a necessity if public policy is to be intelligently arrived at and just.

Ian Wilson:

Would suggest perhaps that few men would expect or desire to be physically protected or economically supported by their wives. Suggest that the discontent so in evidence here is a function of the view, so much present in the kultursmog and among the helping professions and among the distaff rank and file, that men are properly viewed as ATM machines, as pets, or as an-extra-pair-of-hands.

1:39 PM, August 17, 2008  
Blogger sftghj said...

What cruel irony: Young women pursuing a higher education are pushed to conduct themselves socially in a manner more befitting the behavior of resourceless, uneducated women.

2:50 PM, August 17, 2008  
Blogger Art Deco said...

John, as recently as 1928, the majority of youngsters between the ages of 14 and 18 were not enrolled in high school. Formal education is neither necessary nor sufficient to learn modesty or personal dignity.

3:21 PM, August 17, 2008  
Blogger Unknown said...

The real issue to me is interferance by the "government". If all politicians of any party weren't in favor of more and higher taxes maybe the man (or woman) would have more disposable income and could support the child and/or pay more child support. If the "government" weren't involved maybe citizens would treat divorce settlements and child support issues more fairly because they'd be more personal. If the "government" hadn't taught the last 10 generations of boys and girls that the "government" would solve all their problems because they weren't really to blame for not planning better maybe the budget for welfare wouldn't be so high. If the "government" weren't involved maybe men and women would talk to each other instead of coming together in anonymous lobbying groups and arguing about things that just disquise the real issues.

1:26 PM, August 18, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe, kati.


8:11 PM, August 20, 2008  
Blogger Trust said...


True. Seems many people seem to think the way to grow the economy is to pay people not to work. Not only are their less hands producing, it's more incentive to quite producing.

8:23 AM, August 21, 2008  
Blogger Jesse said...

"And the American system of long-term leases with a surprise balloon payment at the end for the woman is better for men?"

Great job of summing it up JG, but I dare say you missed an important detail. Does the lease not usually last an entire lifetime, regardless of how long one actually derives benefit from it? I would say it often does, with the balloon payment coming unexpectedly somewhere in the middle.

11:00 PM, August 22, 2008  
Blogger Masculist Philogynist said...

" Identity politics by the Democrats almost came unraveled in the Hillary vs. Obama mega-primary. Black privilege vs. female privilege? Since black females will usually defect to the black privilege side, you can guess the winner.

At least black females still care a little bit about their men."

You've got to hand it to the loyalty of black women when they're called to display it.

2:11 AM, August 25, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

視訊做愛視訊美女無碼A片情色影劇kyo成人動漫tt1069同志交友網ut同志交友網微風成人論壇6k聊天室日本 avdvd 介紹免費觀賞UT視訊美女交友..........................

6:16 AM, May 20, 2009  

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