East Tennessee Women Bloggers
The WBIR Style show here in Knoxville did a story on East Tennessee women bloggers featuring myself, Cathy at Domestic Psychology and Katie Allison Granju, author of Attachment Parenting.
The show is supposed to be about moms who stay home and connect on the internet. Yep, that's yours truly, a sweet mom who just blogs her heart out to connect with others. You can view the video here--just click on the icon on your right.
Labels: media stuff
Helen- looks like WBIR did a nice report about all of you. Cool!!!!
I was really impressed with how well edited and well presented their story was. I did find it humorous that they had Cathy repeat "breast feeding" so much. They had some more material!
With apologies to Samuel Johnson, "Sir, a woman's blogging is like a dog's walking on his hind legs. It is not done well; but you are surprised to find it done at all."
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